Chandigarh, Mon. Dec. 10 2012 - After much delay, the District Court Complex in Chandigarh will be shifting to from its current residence in Sector 17 to the new building in Sector 43 in about two weeks. District and Sessions Judge, S K Aggarwal informed that the court will reopen in the new building after the winter break which starts on December 25.“Some pending tasks at the new building and beautification has been done. The shifting will be done in December and from 2013, the court will reopen in Sector 43,” said Aggarwal.President of the District court Bar Association, Advocate N K Nanda, said: “I have had a meeting with the sessions judge. We are not ready to shift in the new complex yet, but since our Judge insists, we shall abide by him.”Nanda added: “The inauguration of the new court building will be held in the next few days as and when we get a confirmation from the Chief Justice of India. However, we have requested some more time from the Sessions Judge to shift to the new building. For the same, we have been given till January 2, 2013 when the courts reopen after the winter break.”
‘Insisting’ judge stops further delay
The shifting to Chandigarh District Courts has been delayed previously. After a debacle over demand for new furniture at the new court complex and incomplete construction of lawyers’ chambers and the parking lot, the deadline of the courts to shift was extended to December 2012. And the new sessions judge is adamant to meet the deadline.There are certain other things for which the insisting attitude of the newly appointed sessions judge is proving very helpful. For instance, the formulation of a local commission to record evidences. “A panel of lawyers and retired judges with minimum ten years of experience has been formed, which will record the evidences in a particular case if the counsels want the witnesses to be examined the same day by paying a minimal amount,” said Justice S K Aggarwal.Video conferencing facility between the court complex and Model Jail was started recently even though it was to start in the new court complex. But the Judge said, “We will just have to unplug some wires and plug them back in the new building. If we have the resources, why not use them?”