MUMBAI: The Mumbai cyber police arrested a 37-year-old Malad housewife for sending obscene and threatening MMS clips to two members of her housing society with whom she had some disagreements. Accused Nita Ashley D'Mello has been charged under the Information Technology Act and has been remanded in police custody till October 15.
The cyber police have launched a hunt for Nita's friend Mahesh Biyani, who had approached the Bombay high court seeking anticipatory bail. Sources said the court had directed cyber cell cops to give Biyani 72 hours' notice before arresting him.
The police said the complaint was filed by Awril Serav and Gajanand Bhardwaj, residents of Bhoomi Park on Marve Road. In May, Serav and Bhardwaj had approached the police as they were receiving obscene clips and threatening SMSes from some number and through internet services. The case was transferred to the cyber police, who realized that the messages were sent via bulk services and email accounts belonging to Advita Communication. The police traced its IP address to Ahmednagar and found that it was owned by Biyani. Investigations revealed that Biyani was in touch with D'Mello, a resident of the society where the two complainants stayed. "There was infighting among society members, and the complainants had supported the secretary, Gunjan, who had a personal grudge against Nita," an officer said.
The police believe that Nita had told Biyani to send the messages. Sources said Nita and Gunjan had a fight after the latter passed lewd comments about her hair when society members had gone for a picnic to Lonavla.
The cyber police have launched a hunt for Nita's friend Mahesh Biyani, who had approached the Bombay high court seeking anticipatory bail. Sources said the court had directed cyber cell cops to give Biyani 72 hours' notice before arresting him.
The police said the complaint was filed by Awril Serav and Gajanand Bhardwaj, residents of Bhoomi Park on Marve Road. In May, Serav and Bhardwaj had approached the police as they were receiving obscene clips and threatening SMSes from some number and through internet services. The case was transferred to the cyber police, who realized that the messages were sent via bulk services and email accounts belonging to Advita Communication. The police traced its IP address to Ahmednagar and found that it was owned by Biyani. Investigations revealed that Biyani was in touch with D'Mello, a resident of the society where the two complainants stayed. "There was infighting among society members, and the complainants had supported the secretary, Gunjan, who had a personal grudge against Nita," an officer said.
The police believe that Nita had told Biyani to send the messages. Sources said Nita and Gunjan had a fight after the latter passed lewd comments about her hair when society members had gone for a picnic to Lonavla.